Be glad for the privilege of work. Be thankful for the opportunity to give and serve. Good work is the great character-builder, the sweetener of life, the maker of destiny. Let the spirit of your work be right, and whether your task be great or small you will then have the satisfaction of knowing it is worth while. ~~ Grenville Kleiser

I am grateful for this day. I’m grateful for the busy-ness. I didn’t get to the things on my to-do list. Actually I think I allowed all those other things to get in the way … avoiding the paperwork that must be done. I’ve been thinking this evening how to be thankful for the paperwork. It’s not easy. I’m thankful for the job that generates the paperwork. The conversations that are associated with this particular stack of paperwork are a key ingredient in my work. I love the conversations … the reflective moments when we think deeply about our practice. I’m grateful for those professional conversations, for reflective moments.
In this quiet moment I choose to be grateful for the stack in front of me … and anticipate conquering, completing it tomorrow!
Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men. ~~ Colossians 3:23 (Amplified Version)