Do you have a favorite book you like to read in preparation for Christmas? There are so many possibilities, Christmas novels, Advent devotionals, and picture books abound!
I have several to mention today …

Revelation is a hard gift to receive. You must give up everything else to receive it — like finding a treasure in a field and selling everything you have so you can get that treasure.
But then again, she who is willing to accept the cost of revelation finds herself in the deepest of stories. Stories that are so mysterious, divine, and human that we still tell them today.
May [we] receive the light of divine annunciation in the flames of [our] best-laid plans.
Scott Erickson, Honest Advent (will download the first chapter)
I want to mention a book resource – it is called Open Library. It is a free site, simple to use. I find it particularly helpful to find older books to read a few pages to see if I want to purchase them. I also use it for research. It’s easy to search for terms in books or read a chapter or two.
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More beautiful books to buy… Xo
Love you, friend! And yes, there are always so many books!
A friend shared her favorite picture books – heartwarming stories for Christmas.