Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God … Paul begins Chapter…
Category: Romans Study
18 Weeks in the book of Romans with our Community Group
Romans 11:1-36: The Olive Tree Planted by God
I, the Lord, once called them a thriving olive tree, beautiful to see and full of…
Romans 10:1-21: Israel and Misplaced Zeal
In Chapter 9, Paul expressed his grief over his kinsmen and how they had rejected…
Romans 9: God’s Relationship to Israel
Introduction Romans is written in four movements with a unifying theme – the gospel is…
Romans 8:31-39: A Glorious Assurance
In Romans 8:31-39, Paul concludes his theological essay that he began in Romans 1. To…
Romans 8:17-30: Suffering and Future Glory
As I noted in my post on Romans 8:1-17, Paul is wrapping up this section…