I’m thinking about sharing some of my “finds” from the past week or so each Friday. This week I’m sharing a thoughtful presentation, a favorite song, and a few thought-provoking quotes. The flower pictures are from my walks this week. I hope you enjoy these!
All About Hope
Rebecca Mclaughlin spoke at the recent women’s conference sponsored by The Gospel Coalition. TGC is sharing this video freely on their website. Mclaughlin uses 1 Peter 1:13-25 to teach four truths about hope – the first of which is “hope runs to Jesus!” If you have 30 minutes, listen to her presentation and be encouraged!
Princess Theology
“… Christianity suffers from a bad case of Disney Princess theology. As each individual reads Scripture, they see themselves as the princess in every story. They are Esther, never Xerxes or Haman. They are Peter, but never Judas. They are the woman anointing Jesus, never the Pharisees. They are the Jews escaping slavery, never Egypt. For the citizens of the most powerful country in the world, who enslaved both Native and Black people, to see itself as Israel and not Egypt when it is studying Scripture, is a perfect example of Disney princess theology. And it means that as people in power, they have no lens for locating themselves rightly in Scripture or society — and it has made them blind and utterly ill-equipped to engage issues of power and injustice. It is some very weak Bible work.”
EK Hackett
This quote caught my attention this week. I’m still thinking about it – the truth embedded in it.
I remember the feeling of surprise as an adult when I first heard someone say about the story of David and Goliath that we should see ourselves as the fearful Israelites quaking in their boots at Goliath’s challenges – not as David. We are not the champions, but instead, we enjoy the victory of the One who steps in for us, and we join Him in His work.
We tend to make ourselves the heroes in Bible stories. In general, our theology is weak in understanding power and injustice. The issues are complex. I have a desire to read Scripture rightly and allow the Spirit to teach me how I can advocate for the ending of injustice!
A favorite song
My favorite artist is Lyle Lovett. Recently he released a new album. The title song, 12th of June, is a beautiful tribute to his wife, the birth of his twins, and the joy of family. If you haven’t heard it, click the link and enjoy!
Staring at beauty

A Friday Prayer
May we not only gaze on the beauty of creation but find ourselves looking deep into the beauty of our Savior; fill our hearts and minds with your truth; and help us to reflect the light of Your glory! Amen.
I hope you have enjoyed the Friday Finds. I’m curious what you are reading, listening to, or enjoying!