“Come, let’s settle this,” says the LORD.
Isaiah 1:18 CSB
“Though your sins are scarlet,
they will be as white as snow;
though they are crimson red,
they will be like wool.”
“If we confess our sins,
1 John 1:9 CSB
He is faithful and righteous
to forgive us our sins and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Our challenge: to forgive
We have all made mistakes, sins, and things for which we need to make amends. Repairing relationships require forgiveness. Asking others for their forgiveness is an opportunity to seek peace during this Advent season.
Regardless of the outcome, we can receive the ultimate forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Our sins are washed as white as snow. As Scripture tells us, they are removed as far as the east is from the west. They are remembered no more.
When you see the snow falling or dream of the possibility of a “white” Christmas, remember the healing peace that comes through forgiveness. You can offer forgiveness to others who have hurt you. It is not easy, and they may never even repent. But persevering through the difficult work of forgiving others who have harmed us will give us the peace to travel more lightly this Advent season. We can ask for help from others and God.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your promise of love and forgiveness for our sins. Please help us come to You and ask for forgiveness and forgive others who have sinned against us. You are the Ultimate Healer.
In Christ’s name, Amen.
My guest today
Becky is a wife, mother, Hope*Writer, former teacher, and author. She is active in her church choir. She especially enjoys quiet time with the Lord and often spends time on her porch chair in prayer. Find out more at her website.