It’s been a busy week, and I realized as I went to sleep last night that I didn’t publish any Friday Finds. That series may have ended. This morning I share just a few inspirational thoughts, quotes, and prayers that set my heart to dancing!
In a few minutes, I’ll head outside for a walk-about, touring the neighborhood, opening the windows of my soul to take in the new day.
A quote by Abraham Heschel … man’s walled mind has no access to a ladder upon which he can rise to knowledge of God of his own strength. Yet his soul is endowed with translucent windows that open to the beyond.
I’ve shared before that I love prayer books. The poetry of written prayers calms, quietens, and focuses the lens of my soul …
O Lord, my God, Form me more fully into your likeness.
Richard Foster, in Prayers from the Heart
Use the circumstances and interactions
of this day to form your will in me.
From the frustrations of this day form peace.
From the joys of this day form strength.
From the struggles of this day form courage.
From the beauties of this day form love.
In the name of Jesus Christ who is all
peace and strength and courage and love. Amen.
As this day begins, I ask God to form me into His likeness fully.
When you feel a lack of understanding,
And your creativity declines
Run to the hidden spring!The higher waters will refresh you,
~Rav Abraham Isaac Kook
And you will blossom.
God’s blessing will return to you.
You will become like a gushing spring,
Like a river that does not cease!
The river of God sets our feet a-dancing
Lyrics by Andy Park
The river of God fills our hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the river is here
In stillness, the dancing!
My prayer today, from another favorite prayer book,
Lord, may gratitude be my native tongue, and may I speak it well— for all You have done and all You have given— word and object, phrase and verse; may I be fluent in the grammar of grace.
Ryan Whitaker Smith and Dan Wilt
“God is good,” the dancing sunbeams
Paint in tints of gold
“God is good,” within their petals
Nature’s flowers enfold.
“God is good,” the sparkling raindrops
Speak in music low,
“God is good,” the limpid brooklets
Ripple as they flow.
“God is good,” rings through the woodland—
Birds peal forth the song.
“God is good,” the stars are beaming
In their glorious throng.
“God is good,” the rainbow smileth
From the glowing sky.
“God is good,” the south winds softly
Through the forest sigh.
“God is good,” all nature’s ringing
With the note of praise.
“God is good,” O man, re-echo!
Grateful pæans raise.
“God is good,” and man He loveth
With an endless love.
“God is good,” oh, may we sing it,
In His home above.