I’ve been thinking since last weekend, Day of the Dead, how important it is to celebrate life! I have written about my mom several times since she went to heaven. I miss her. But I haven’t mentioned my dad in my writings.
My dad is in his mid-80’s. He’s a strong man, active. He loves to watch ball games on television, read the Reader’s Digest, and work puzzles – Soduko and crossword puzzles. But more than that, he loves to help.
Dad has a servant’s heart about him. If you say aloud there is something you need, he begins to take care of it right then. He wants to help, to serve, to meet the needs of others, he is generous! Dad is an amazing “handy-man!” My sisters and I can speak to the many household repairs that he has fixed!
Dad loved my mom – loved her completely! Even in their young years they would enjoy fishing, and dad would bait mom’s hook, throw her line out for her. In later years when mom was still working downtown, dad would drive her in to work, and pick her up. After mom contracted leukemia, he was by her side constantly, anticipating her needs. His attentiveness to my mom, devotion even, so clearly identifies who my Dad was … and is!
That same attention shows up in how he cares for his friends. Dad calls his friends regularly and keeps up with them – even though they are separated by many miles. He’s learned to use Facebook and email – no easy feat – so that he can enjoy the daily updates that friends and family post. He loves to trip down memory lane with friends … recalling fun times. He still travels – several times a year – connecting with family and friends, enjoying the camaraderie, making new memories.
Dad lives in Tennessee and I live in Texas … so we don’t get to visit often. I cherish the times we do get to spend together. Our next visit is coming up soon …
Dad, I love you!
Reposted from Algebra’s Friend