Pastor Paul started a series on the Book of Romans today. A key thought from today’s sermon is, “The gospel delivers the power of God … not just the advice of God!”
The self-improvement shelves at the bookstores keep increasing. It is estimated that self-help books, infomercials and the like are a multi – billion dollar industry! We know that something is broken; we don’t know how broken – and we are desperately looking for a solution!
The gospel is the solution! The gospel delivers the power of God … not just the advice of God! The gospel transforms our lives. The gospel isn’t just significant in the moment of salvation; nor is it only important for our future in heaven. The gospel impacts all of life! The gospel is the plan for redemption …
Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law … but now a righteousness from God has been made known … this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. (Romans 3:20 – 22)
How grateful I am that God didn’t stop with justice! His holiness demands justice … but his love requires mercy. It is in the gospel that the holiness of God and His love are both satisfied.
Mercy and loving-kindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Psalm 85:10
He is faithful, He is glorious
He is Jesus, all my hope is in Him
He is freedom, He is healing right now
He is hope and joy, love and peace and life