We had a wonderfully relaxed and uncomplicated Christmas Day filled with warmth and gentle moments. However, when I woke up today, I felt exhausted. I was grateful for the chance to sleep in and take my time. I enjoyed making entirely my own choices, free from the constraints of a “to-do” list. This space to breathe and reflect was refreshing, reminding me of the importance of rest. Rest is essential for nurturing both the body and the soul, providing the restorative energy we often overlook in our busy lives.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Jesus’ invitation to find rest in Him.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
In Christ, that sweet sanctuary of His presence, we can lay down our worries, anxieties, and even the “to-do” lists and find renewal.
I have written about this topic several times in the past few years, and it is a recurring theme. In one post, I delved into rest from the Psalmist’s point of view:
One Hebrew word for rest in the Old Testament is nuach, meaning “a state of quiet and rest from burdens, work or enemy.” The Psalmist, David, teaches us much about rest.
While the word “rest” does not appear in Psalm 23, David provides a beautiful picture of rest given to us for His name’s sake. Our Good Shepherd leads us beside still waters and invites us to lie down—the natural posture for rest. While lying beside those still waters, our Shepherd refreshes our soul. He provides for us a feast while our enemies look on.
In Psalm 37, David speaks to rest when he admonishes us to trust the Lord, dwell in the land, and enjoy safe pasture. We experience rest in safety and pasture. Sheep are grazing animals. They are at rest when the grasses are plentiful. We are also at rest when His righteousness fills our souls.
In Psalm 116, David continues this idea of rest. He speaks to his soul, inviting himself to return to rest because of God’s goodness. David reminds us that God is gracious, righteous, and compassionate. God saves us in our afflictions.
Interestingly, Jesus continues to illustrate rest using a yoke, which the oxen would have worn. Although they were not sheep, they were still very much related to the agrarian way of life. Imagine if the oxen fought against the yoke, pulling in opposite directions. They would tire quickly, and the work would be slow.
Rest, a precious gift
When we are yoked with Jesus, walking in step with the Spirit, we submit to His guidance. We lean into the yoke because He knows the way. And in this experience, we have rest for our anxious souls. Jesus has given us everything we need for life and godliness. There is no fear or worry because we have been chosen, justified, and glorified. We are held in His right hand. We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. AND nothing, nothing at all, can separate us from the love of God. Shouting ground, here – Hallelujah! When our hearts grasp these truths, our strivings cease, and we rest in God.
Rest is a precious gift from God, not a luxury. It rejuvenates us and prepares us for the work ahead. Let us embrace this gift, trusting that in our stillness, God is at work within us.
Father, You who rested on the seventh day,
And established a rhythm of work and rest
For your people, teach us to find our rest in You.
May we walk in step with the Spirit, not tugging
The yoke askew, but instead, allowing our Savior
To lead, guide, and direct each day. May we lay
Our burdens down, with open hands accepting
From You, the circumstances of our days,
Knowing that You are our complete provision.
Beth Ferguson. “Real Rest.” In Stillness the Dancing, July 12, 2021, https://www.instillnessthedancing.com/real-rest/. Accessed 12/26/2024
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