John 14:6 — “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
They had never been in a jungle like this before. The thick vines seemed to reach out and grab their legs; the heat was suffocating. Each step forward felt more uncertain than the last. The group followed their guide closely, listening to the rhythmic chop of his machete clearing the overgrown trail.
But as the jungle swallowed all signs of direction or certainty, fear set in. Were they lost? Was the guide leading them somewhere — or nowhere? Finally, one traveler couldn’t hold back any longer. He asked, “Sir, are you sure this is the way?”
The guide stopped. He turned, eyes steady and confident, and said, “I am the way.”
I love that story Jerry Vines (Vines, 2020) tells because it’s exactly what Jesus is saying in John 14:6. The disciples were anxious and confused about where Jesus was going and how they would follow. Thomas asked, “How can we know the way?” And Jesus, with infinite authority and compassion, didn’t hand them a map or describe the road. He said, “I am the way.”
Not a route or plan –
So often, we want a route—a five-step plan, clear markers, and predictable outcomes. But Jesus doesn’t give us a blueprint—He gives us Himself. In the jungle of uncertainty, fear, and questions, He’s not pointing to a path—He is the path. His presence is the answer to our direction.
Following Jesus doesn’t mean we always know the terrain, but it does mean we know the Guide — One who never loses His way.
Today, if you’re facing unknowns, if the trail ahead feels tangled and unclear, hear His words again: “I am the way.”
Stay close to Him. Walk behind His steady steps. You may not know where you’re going, but you know “Who” you are with. And He will lead you home.
God, You who gave us Jesus to be the way
Through the shadows and the unknown—
Open our eyes to see You, to follow You—
We believe, help our unbelief.
When the path is tangled and fear rises
Be the light for our feet and the lamp for our path.
Teach us not to seek maps or signs,
But to walk hand in hand with You—
Keep us faithful in the unknown,
hopeful in the waiting,
and certain of this:
You will lead us safely home.
Fill us with all joy and peace
As hope overflows through the power of the Spirit
All for Your glory and our good, Amen.
Vines, J. (2020). Vines expository Bible notes. Thomas Nelson.