Mid-April Reflection!
These are the days of … **
- Avoiding gluten, soy, and dairy like the plague – it’s difficult
- Beginning to study the craft of writing, to improve my work
- Building my TBR list – too many books – not nearly enough time
- Playing Legos with the littles, learning all about super heroes and ninjas
- Pondering how God uses the ordinary moments of our lives to further His kingdom
- Reading the Pentateuch, soaking up Leviticus
- Teaching and learning with students, children and adults, tutoring and online university work
- Trying to simplify the gardening, losing the battle with weeds
- Walking and talking with Ron – sorting and solving world problems
- Watching Frankie Drake, a PBS mystery, female detectives
** “These are the days of” is a practice recommended by Emily P. Freeman. She often records these lists weekly.
Such a great idea!
I listened to a favorite podcast the other day, “The Lazy Genius.” She shared an excellent way to keep up with kindle book sales! She reminded me that if you create a wishlist on Amazon, the company updates the prices automatically. So I created a TBR (to be read) list of theology and Christian living books on the wishlist feature of Amazon. I chose Kindle books for this list because Kindle books often go on sale for less than $5. I can quickly check that wishlist each week to see if any of the books on my list have been marked down. In the process, I spent about $15 on five books … so already I have TOO much to read!
I prefer to buy nonfiction because I often like to refer back to it as I am studying. I enjoy using electronic versions because it’s easy to have all the books I want on one small device. I don’t buy the fiction I read, though. Instead, I use a couple of different online libraries – our small local one, and then the larger Austin one. I don’t like paying for fiction because I rarely keep those books – using the online libraries is perfect. There is always an entertaining book to check out!
Books I’m reading –
Just getting started with each of these … they all come recommended! The first four were free from Crossway for completing a simple survey – what a great deal!
“Uncovering the lies we believe about all the earthly things that promise us peace, life, and contentment, Paul Tripp redirects our gaze to God’s awe-inducing glory―showing how such a vision has the potential to impact our every thought, word, and deed.” (Summary by Amazon)
“Channeling state-of-the-art research, personal stories, and careful biblical study, Confronting Christianity explores 12 questions that keep many of us from considering faith in Christ. ” (Summary by Amazon)
All Christians know they should pray, but sometimes it’s hard to know how—especially if the minutes start to drag and our minds start to wander. Offering readers hope, encouragement, and the practical advice they’re looking for, this concise book by professor Donald Whitney outlines a simple, time-tested method that can help transform our prayer lives: praying the words of the Bible. (Summary by Amazon)
Written out of the conviction that friends are the best helpers, this accessible introduction to biblical counseling will equip believers to share their burdens with one another through gentle words of wisdom and kind acts of love. This book is written for those eager to see God use ordinary relationships and conversations between ordinary Christians to work extraordinary miracles in the lives of his people. (Summary by Amazon)
Starting with our first identity as image bearers, Hannah shows how Jesus Christ makes us people who can reflect His nature through our unique callings. She also explores how these deeper truths affect the practical realities that we face as women—how does being an image bearer shape our pursuit of education, our work, and even our desire for holistic lives? (Summary by Amazon)
If all of life is to be viewed as under the lordship of Christ, can we rediscover what God’s plan is for the arts? Philip Graham Ryken brings into sharp focus a biblical view of the arts and the artists who make art for God’s sake. This is a concise yet comprehensive treatment of the major issue of the arts for all who seek answers. (Summary by Amazon)
In what ways are you reflecting on your life?
Share your “These are the days of …” or a book or two you are hoping to read in the comments!