Mid-June Reflection!
These are the days of … **
- Driving with the tips of my fingers – the heat has caught up with us!
- Burning up the pot of begonias – the rainy spell had created a false sense of hope in keeping potted flowers alive.
- Frustration, my fingerprint signature no longer works consistently on my phone.
- Celebrating 47 years with my best friend, believing we will make it to “death do us part!”
- Guests around our table, reviving a hospitable practice
- Painting toenails prepping for our family beach trip
- Reading Center Church by Tim Keller, pondering gospel theology
- Needing to check my calendar as we return to some normalcy in scheduling events outside the four walls of home
- Playing with the #VoilaAIArtist app, creating caricatures of myself and others
- Exploring what it might mean to have a writing routine
- Feeling challenged, what would it look like if Jesus were ruling and reigning in my life today? What idols do I need to cast aside?
** “These are the days of” is a practice recommended by Emily P. Freeman. She often records these lists weekly. I’m trying to create a rhythm of reflection twice a month.
In pursuit of learning more about writing, I have been reading more and more online. I’d like to share a few “new to me” bloggers whose work spoke to me recently.
- Cara: To Live a Purposeful Life, You Need Just One Thing
Have you ever noticed the “one thing” in scripture? Check out Cara’s post! - Kyleigh: Fighting Fear with Pneumatology
Love that Kyleigh led with the “big” word, pneumatology! It’s simply a study of the Spirit of God. Notice, in her blog post, how a right understanding of the Spirit helps us to overcome our fears! - Lauren: ON WRITING FOR CONSUMPTION: WHY DO WE SHARE PUBLICLY?
Lauren’s questions have me thinking this week about writing aloud … sharing my thoughts publicly.
Last, a few quotes that quite possibly will resonate with you as they have with me!
“The human spirit needs places where nature
has not been rearranged by the hand of man”
But in a solitary life, there are rare moments
Circe, written by Madeline Miller
when another soul dips near yours,
as stars once a year brush the earth.
Such a constellation was he to me.
On DUST: In Adam we are all dust people, and we decompose accordingly, but in Christ we then rise to become heavenly people for whom dust and decay, mortality and corruptibility,
God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World
are things of the past.
written by Andrew Wilson
On Earthquakes: A made-up God will leave your world undisturbed, conveniently aligning with your priorities without displacing anything, because ultimately you are more glorious than it is. The real God, however, will land in the middle of your life like an elephant crashing through the ceiling, displacing your sin, changing all your priorities, and forcing you to reorient yourself around the weight of glory.
God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World
written by Andrew Wilson
My prayer today–
May I experience the self-quaking God of the Universe!
Please God, reorient my life around the weight of your glory!
So grateful for you mentioning me, my friend! I love this little collection and mid-month reflection!