Mid-August Reflection
These are the days of … **
- Sleeping in late, staying up late
- Poolside family fun
- Quesadillas and cupcakes
- Flowers in the park and deep blue skies
- Birthdays young and younger!
- Butterfly visitors
- Squeezable frozen cocktails for sharing
- Finding the “just-right” swivel rocking chair
- Revisiting old movies, old shows
- Holding close in prayer the first days of school
- First day of school conversations with grandkids
- New friends, sweet conversations around our table
- Imagining the throne room of God and singing, “Holy, holy, holy!”
- Anticipating the culmination of the Kingdom of God!
Before sitting down to type up this reflection, I met with a friend who is moving to Oregon – so far away. Her move is bittersweet – she is moving close to her sisters, which will be sweet, but she leaves friends here and a church she dearly loves. We talked about how it seems more challenging to establish relationships when we move later in life. When we have children in the home, much of life revolves around them, and in moving, it is not difficult to connect with other parents. BUT later in life, we tend to be more isolated, less visible, and so those new friendships are elusive. But we both agreed that our God answers prayer! And so today, we prayed that she would find sweet fellowship with like-minded believers in her new community and a church where she could blossom and grow in her faith.
And that prayer reminds me of our prayer last night among a group of friends. Each of us is asking God to light our pathway, to help us make “kingdom” connections in our day-to-day lives. We tend to live behind closed doors, within a small circle of friends, isolated from the needs of our neighbors. As I reflect today on these hot August days, I am grateful for the air conditioning that keeps me inside and yet, praying for the opportunities to minister far and wide!
Today the news is horrific – such pain in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Haiti. There are fires in Greece and our northwest. In the US, covid is surging. As one of our ministers emphasized yesterday, our God is still on the throne amid so much distress and He is sovereign. None of the world events take Him by surprise. He is working out His plan and purpose.
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV
God, I’m not trying to rule the roost,
I don’t want to be king of the mountain.
I haven’t meddled where I have no business
or fantasized grandiose plans.I’ve kept my feet on the ground,
Psalm 131:1-2 MSG
I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.
Like a baby content in its mother’s arms,
my soul is a baby content.
Today I am waiting with hope!
Hoping now and hoping always. His Kingdom come!
** “These are the days of” is a practice recommended by Emily P. Freeman. She often records these lists weekly. I’m trying to create a rhythm of reflection twice a month.